The Appalling Sigh: gun violence and complacencyPrevalent violence demands emotional distance, yet therein lies the danger of becoming so numb to it that we fail to grieve what is lost.Mar 18, 2021Mar 18, 2021
Hate: the monster insideRacists think they’ve domesticated hate, to “sic ‘em” on a target without fear of the monster. They’re wrong. Hate is a fire that burns…Jun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020
Punching the Racist’s WalletCompanies being pressured into releasing statements of solidarity isn’t altruism. It may be a signpost on the road to change.Jun 4, 2020Jun 4, 2020
Dear No One: the person you’re ranting to is youRanting is low risk and carries the danger of being self-congratulatory. Still, it may be a helpful stop on our journey to affect change.May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
Dying is BelievingWhether one human’s opinion is worth more than a human life is an open-ended question that’s problematic to answer, but worth discussing.Apr 17, 2020Apr 17, 2020